Tesla CEO reacts to Apple dropping its electric car project

"if you don't make it at Tesla, you go work at Apple." Elon Musk

Apple has decided to halt its electric car project preferably Project Titan, marking a decade since the project began. The apple car project has been going on since 2014 aiming for self-driving vehicles without the steering wheel.

The decision is said to have been made due to challenges in the automotive industry and market demand changes, pressuring the project development, this is according to Bloomberg report. Employees who have been working on the electric car project will be transferred to the firm’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) division.

Elon musk, the Tesla CEO responded to the apple news on his X account by posting a saluting face and cigarette emoji. However, Elon musk is later seen to acknowledge the challenges in developing cars.

“The natural state of a car company is dead,” post read

In an interview with a recognized media outlet, Elon Musk said he was never threatened by apple venturing into the electric car market.

“It’s good that apple is moving and investing in this direction. But cars are very complex compared to phones and smart watches,” Elon stated.

Since the project began in 2014, it has been faced by leadership challenges and launch delays which would lead to the project stopping temporarily. Earlier reports had said that apple was projecting to be done with its first car as soon as 2024 or 2025.

However an official statement concerning the dropping of the project from the Apple tech has not been released yet.

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