Pastor Kanyari joins Tiktok live sessions to minister his teachings

Pastor Kanyari has now joined the Content creators on Tiktok using his ministry to make money on tiktok which is earned through holding live sessions.

Pastor Victor Kanyari who is popularly known for his fraudulent schemes of acquiring money from his followers has joined the Tiktok live session on his account urging his followers to send him gifts to earn heavenly blessings.

“nimeshinda nikiombea hawa watu, nikiambia mungu, yeyote aalituma zawadi yake nikiwa live abarikiwe sana…….. chukua kile ambacho uko nacho, ile gift uko nayo itume saa hizi   na mimi nitapiga makofi niseme ubarikiwe,” kanyari urged the fans

However he clarified that he was not making the live sessions because he is in need of money or the fans help but instead he is rewarding his work in the church.

“sio kana kwamba niko na shida ya pesa ama niko na shida ya hizo zawadi ambazo zinapeanwa katika tiktok lakini bibilia inasema mkono utoao ndio mkono ubarikiwao,” kanyari said

Money making through Tiktok has been greatly embraced by content creators whereby one earns cash by conducting the live sessions and through which fans send their  gifts and the host later turns  them into coins.


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