Donald Trump says he does not support the potential ban of Tiktok in US

Despite accepting that Tiktok app is a national security threat and risks the privacy and data rights of Americans, former president of the US Donald trump does not support a congressional ban on the app.

Speaking in an national media platform, trump argued that banning tiktok use in America could make Facebook increase its influence and claimed that he considers Facebook to be ‘an enemy of the people’.

"But the thing I don’t like is that without Tiktok, you can make Facebook bigger and I consider Facebook to be an enemy of the people, along with a lot of the media,"

"We also have that problem with… Facebook and lots of other companies too. They get the information, they get plenty of information, and they deal with China, and they’ll do whatever China wants," he argued

He further argued that with its massive popularity among the young people, banning Tiktok would be difficult. Suggestively, he said it would be important if privacy and data protection policies were set up instead on all social media platforms for Americans.


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