Airtel Kenya to pay Willis Raburu KSH.6.5 million for use of his famous ‘Bazu’ trademark.

Airtel Kenya has been restrained from using the Bazu trademark, which they have been adopting in promotion of one of their internet bundle products.

The ruling was made by the Milimani Commercial Chief Magistrate Rawling Musienga, who said that the company adopted the trademark after Willis Raburu registered it on April 2021.

The court has therefore ordered Airtel Kenya to pay him Ksh. 6.5 million for using his trademark. Additionally, they are not to publish or broadcast anything using the trademark.

Willis Raburu took Airtel Kenya to court for infringement, June last year, arguing that he had the exclusive rights over the trademark in relation to telecommunications advertising services.

Raburu went ahead to acknowledge the court’s ruling on his social media by urging businessess to respect intellectual property rights.

“Respect for intellectual property is paramount, and those using the name ‘Bazu’ without authority will face similar consequences, as legal notices have already been served” the post read

However, Airtel Kenya have been given 45 days to stay of execution or file an appeal.


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