Wetangula Rejects Attempt to Subject Linturi's Impeachment Report to Vote

National Assembly, Speaker Moses Wetangula rebuffed an attempt by Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi to push for a vote on an impeachment report targeting Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi.

In arecent session of the National Assembly, Wandayi urged Wetangula to interpret the Constitution and standing orders liberally, suggesting that the House should validate the report regardless of its findings.

Wetangula dismissed Wandayi's plea, asserting that he had already provided guidance on the matter and that he had not yet seen the report himself. He deemed Wandayi's anticipation of a debate as "out of order," emphasizing that the report had not been tabled for review.

“Wandayi, you are out of order in anticipating a debate. I did guide the house that I have been informed reliably that the report is ready. The report has not even been tabled, the Speaker has not seen it yet,” he ruled.

The Speaker clarified that unlike the Senate, where members can opt for either a select committee or plenary session to handle impeachment motions against governors or deputies, the National Assembly lacked such provisions.

Wetangula's ruling underscores the procedural nuances governing impeachment proceedings in the National Assembly and reaffirms the Speaker's role in maintaining order and adherence to established protocols.

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