Wetangula Greenlights Impeachment Motion Against Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi

Speaker Moses Wetangula has approved motion to impeach agriculture cabinet secretary Mithika Linturi.

According to speaker Wetangula, the motion meets all the requirements of the law and the standing orders hence it was right to allow it.

“Consequently the grounds for dismissal of the Agriculture CS as contained in the proposed motion comply with the requirements of standing order 641a and 66. In view of the foregoing, the proposed special motion meets the applicable procedural requirement for it to be admitted to the next stage,” Wetangula stated.

The impeachment motion against the agriculture CS was raised by the Bumula Member of Parliament jack Wamboka, accusing him of gross misconduct, gross violation of the constitution and criminal offence under national law.

The motion is scheduled for debate by the members of parliament on Thursday.

A committee of 11 members will be selected to investigate the CS and determine if he is guilty of the charges preferred against him.

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