Western leaders respond to impeachment motion filed against CS Nakhumicha

various leaders from the western region have defended health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha over impeachment motion filed against her.

The motion was filed by Babu Owino of the Azimio la Umoja coalition accusing the CS of incompetence and gross violation of the health standards in the country. However a section of MPs from western among them from the Azimio coalition have disregarded the motion, saying they will not allow it.

 The Kakamega deputy governor Ayub Savula argued that there’s no concrete reason to impeach CS Nakhumicha and that the ongoing doctor’s strike is beyond her role as a cabinet secretary.

“We know she is the only minister representing us in the National government and we want her to stay there and perform. No one should use the excuse of a strike, a strike is a labor matter,” Savula said

This comes three days after Babu Owino filed an impeachment motion against the health cabinet secretary.

"pursuant to article 152(6) of the constitution as read with standing order 66, I wish to notify you of my intention to move a special motion for the removal of the cabinet secretary for health from office,” the statement read

The doctor’s strike is yet to be resolved and the government efforts so far to get the doctors back to work have not been successful.

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COTU clears on its intervention in the bid to end doctor’s strike