US president Biden has ordered release of $60 million to aid the Kenyan police heading to Haiti

President Biden has ordered the release of $60 million towards equipment and training in assistance for the Haiti mission to be headed by the Kenyan police force.

This order comes shortly after Haiti made a new transitional presidential council official on Friday.

State Department Matthew Miller, in welcoming the formation of the new transitional presidential council and the United States’ commitment to its mission, acknowledged late Thursday that “the United States is surging support for the Haitian security forces to bolster their capabilities as they fight to defend their country.”

The equipment, which can come from the stockpiles of any U.S. government agency, and the training from the Defense Department, will help get the Multinational Security Support mission off the ground.

The mission has been on hold since Henry, under pressure from Washington, announced his resignation on March 11. Kenya, which is supposed to deploy 1,000 of its police officers to serve as the backbone of the force, has said that it would not deploy its officers to Haiti unless the funding was in place

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