UDA party reconstitutes its national elections board

President William Ruto’s party has appointed the KRA boss as their elections board chairperson

President William Ruto’s party, UDA, has  made appointments on the party’s elections board in a national steering committee meeting at the hustler center.

The Tuesday meeting was chaired by president Ruto, where he named the Kenya Revenue Authority boss Anthony Mwaura as the new chairperson of the elections board.

Other members of the new National Elections Committee include Lydia Munika who is the vice chairperson, Jimmy kaingi, Mary Mutinga, Halake Dida and linda kiome.

The Electoral Disputes Resolution Committee (EDRC) appointments were also made with the Kenya power chairperson Joy Masinde selected as the new chair. Her colleagues will be Adrian Kamotho as the vice chairperson, Hellen Makone, Yvonne Cherop kae, Dr. Duncan Ojwang, Kaberia Isaac, Barbra Japan Anjichi Joseph and Ziporah Karimi

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