Thika Super Highway Temporarily closed at Kahawa Sukari: Alternative Routes advised for Thika Bound Traffic

The Kenya National Highways Authority has announced temporary closure of the Thika super highway at the Kahawa sukari drift between Kahawa Barracks and Kenyatta University due to flooding in the area.

Following the heavy rains experienced in the area overnight the section of the road has been rendered impassable due to flood. KeNHA has also warned motorists against attempting to use the road for their own safety.

“The Kenya National Highways Authority would like to inform the public of a temporary closure of the Thika Superhighway, at the Kahawa Sukari drift between Kahawa Barracks and Kenyatta University, for Thika Bound traffic. The Authority cautions road users against any attempts to use this section of the road in the interest of their safety,” KeNHA stated

In addition KeNHA issued an alternative route for the motorist, heading to Thika to use Kiambu Road and turn off to the northern bypass to Ruiru and vice versa.

Earlier on the Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) also announced temporary closure of various roads including the Eastern Bypass that have been affected by the floods hence risky to the public.

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