Stakeholders Call for Expedited Action from MoH on New Tobacco Health Warnings

Ministry of Health to Emphasize Research and Legal Compliance on New Tobacco Warnings

 Secretary-General of the Bars, Hotels, and Liquor Traders Association of Kenya (BAHLITA) pledged the Ministry of health to undertake wider consultations in considering new proposals for tobacco products.

Speaking in a public participation event in Kisumu regarding the new graphic heath warning for Tobacco various stakeholders turned up to share their views urging the Ministry of Health (MoH) to advance the process of coming up with the proposed warnings which are to be used on the packaging of tobacco and nicotine products.

“We are very serious about control of tobacco products, but some of the efforts we are seeing are discouraging investments that have been made in this country for many years. That is why we are asking the Ministry of Health to undertake a lot of consultations and to undertake serious research in this regard,” Gachoka said

The stakeholders want the health ministry to reconsider its approach to the new product being introduced in the Tobacco industry which is meant to help users transform from harmful traditional ones to the modern ones that have less health risks.

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