South Africa Accuses Israel of Genocidal Campaign in Gaza

South Africa has leveled serious allegations against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing it of escalating a genocidal campaign against Palestinians in Gaza.

The ICJ commenced hearings on Thursday, with South Africa claiming that Israel aimed to obliterate Palestinians from existence, branding the town of Rafah in southern Gaza as the "final stand."

Israel swiftly rebutted these assertions, with its legal representatives slated to present their response to the court on Friday. The ongoing case, initiated by South Africa in January, already accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza—a charge vehemently denied by Israeli authorities as false and "grossly distorted."

In its latest move, South Africa has petitioned the ICJ to compel Israel to allow unrestricted access to Gaza for aid workers, journalists, and investigators. This plea forms part of South Africa's broader effort to spotlight what it perceives as Israel's oppressive actions in the region.

As the ICJ deliberates on South Africa's plea, the world watches closely, awaiting further developments in this deeply contentious issue.

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