President Ruto Launches 6-Month Tree Planting Initiative with Cabinet Secretaries Leading the Charge

President William Ruto has issued a directive that the tree-planting exercise will continue for the next six months beginning Monday, led by the Cabinet Secretaries in the various ministries.

Ruto was speaking at Karua grounds in Maragua, Murang'a County where he was taking part in the tree planting on Friday. He said every ministry will be assigned a day in which its staff will plant trees in a particular region as directed.

"Planting of trees will continue each day beginning next Monday with each ministry participating so that we have a collective effort in conserving and restoring the environment. Climate change is a reality we live with every day. This is why we stopped all other business today to plant trees," Ruto said.

According to President Ruto, the government aims at achieving the target of 15 billion trees by 2032. He further argued that the solution to climate change is planting and growing trees hence Kenyans should fully cooperate.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi will lead the tree-planting exercise this coming Monday.

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