President Biden flags commercial space launch companies for aviation excise duties

US president Joe Biden wants to impose space tax on companies that launch in the United States the likes of Space X and Blue Origin.

In a budget proposal released last month, the US president has suggested that the aviation excise tax bill will be restructured so the private companies can pay a share to use the US airspace.

The former chief operating officer of the Air Traffic Organization under the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) went ahead to reveal how the space launch procedure is executed and how it interferes with air traffic control.

“Whenever Space X launches a flight, it requires massive air traffic control resources to clear the airspace for hours around the launch window and it pays zero,” he stated

According to reports, the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) is said to be already struggling to keep up with the pace of launches that have been increasing every year.

The aviation excise taxes go to the airport and airway trust fund which in return finances the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA).

Space X is owned by Elon Musk and Blue Origins by Jeff Bezos, the two have however not responded to the reports.

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