New US sanctions target terrorist fundraising networks with Al-Shabaab

The United States has once again imposed sanctions on 16 entities and individuals alleged to have linked with the Al-Shabaab terrorists in aiding their funds.

According to a statement by the US treasury department, the imposed sanctions are on groups across the Horn of Africa, the UAE and Cyprus, over international fundraising and money laundering networks for the Al-Shabaab terrorist group in Somalia.

Reports say that the Al-Shabaab terrorist groups makes over $100 million a year inclusive of the local businesses that they extort.

The US has further stated that there is a connection between the Al-Shabaab and the Al-Qaida in terms of financial aid, this is according to a statement by Matthew Miller the US treasury department spokesperson.

“Al-Shabaab’s revenues are disbursed to other Al-Qaida-linked groups worldwide and help fund Al-Qaida’s global ambitions to commit acts of terrorism and undermine good governance.” He stated

A Kenyan bus company is among the 16 entities and individuals that have been sanctioned for engaging with the terrorism group. The US sanctions means that the 16 entities will be barred from accessing any US assets as well as business dealings.

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