New Era of Strategic Partnership: Putin and Xi Share Rare Hugs in Beijing

In a symbolic display of burgeoning alliance, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping exchanged rare hugs during Putin's visit to Beijing.

The meeting, which occurred amidst Russia's grappling with Western sanctions following its Ukraine invasion, underscored the deepening ties between the two nations.

The informal tea and dinner event held in Beijing marked a pivotal session of Putin's two-day visit to China. While President Xi is typically reserved in displays of warmth, he greeted Putin with two embraces, emphasizing the significance of their strategic partnership.

The leaders solidified their cooperation with the signing of a comprehensive statement, reinforcing their shared opposition to a U.S.-led world order. Committing to collaboration across various domains, including space exploration, nuclear technologies, finance, and manufacturing, the agreement reflected a concerted effort to challenge American dominance.

"The China-Russia relationship is hard earned, and the two sides need to cherish and nurture it," remarked President Xi, highlighting the importance of their alliance.

Putin echoed this sentiment, praising their discussions as "warm and comradely."

Following their meetings in Beijing, Putin proceeded to the Russian-influenced city of Harbin in the northeast, where he was scheduled to spend Friday before returning to Moscow.

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