Mwangi wa Iria Charged with Conspiracy to Defraud Murang'a County of Ksh 351 Million

Former Murang'a county governor mwangi wa iria has been charged of conspiracy to defraud the county of Ksh 351 Million.

However the former governor pleaded not guilty to the corruption charges, where his lawyers asked for his release on bail promising that the latter will cooperate with the court ruling.

The prosecution agreed to the bail release.

“In this particular case we pray that you release the accused persons on bail terms guided by the bail and bond policy,” the prosecution said

Wa iria together with other accused persons are alleged to have unlawfully contracted for the provision of media services amounting to Ksh. 350 Million between October 21, 2014 and June 19, 2017 when he was the then Muranga county governor.

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