Mwangi wa Iria Appears Before Chief Magistrate to Plead in Ksh. 140 Million Graft Case

Former Muranga governor Mwangi wa iria has been arraigned before chief magistrate Thomas Nzioki to take plea regarding the Ksh. 140 million Muranga county graft case.

Mwangi wa iria received an order from the High Court on Monday asking him to avail himself at the Ethics and Anti-Corruprion Commission (EACC) for fingerprint taking and statement recording before the plea taking at the Milimani Law Court today.

Earlier on conservatory orders from the Muranga High Court had temporarily prevented the latter alongside other co-accused persons from facing any charges in court

However on May 2, 2024, the petition challenging the Director of Public Prosecution's decision to charge Wa iria will be mentioned.

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