Kenyan Police to Deploy to Haiti for UN Security Mission

Approximately 200 Kenyan police officers are set to embark on a crucial mission to Haiti next week, as part of a UN Security Council-backed initiative to bolster security in Port-au-Prince.

This deployment follows Kenya's pledge in July 2023 to lead the mission and dispatch 1,000 troops to restore order in the troubled Caribbean nation, which has been besieged by rampant criminal activity.

The officers, will arrive in Port-au-Prince around May 23 or 24. This timing coincides with President William Ruto's official visit to the United States.

Notably, the US government has committed $100 million (Ksh.13 billion) to support the mission in Haiti, encouraging other nations to contribute similarly.

The deployment underscores Kenya's commitment to global peacekeeping efforts and highlights the international community's collaborative approach to addressing security challenges in Haiti.

As the officers prepare to embark on this mission, hopes are high for their success in restoring stability and fostering a safer environment for the people of Haiti.

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