Kenya Human Rights Commission criticizes attacks on Busia Senator’s home

The Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) has criticized the reported attacks on Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah’s home over his activities of defending human rights.

The Busia senator’s rural home was attacked a few days ago where one person was left injured. According to reports the attackers were constantly demanding for Omtatah’s presence.

According to the commission the attacks on the senator are equivalent to attack on democratic, civil rights and freedom, saying their aim is to silence human rights activists.

“It threatens the environment in which we fought so hard to have and shape our nation’s political. Legislative and economic landscape. Those orchestrating these attacks, aim to silence activists,” the commission stated

Omtatah’s attacks have been linked to his activism in defending human rights, advocating for accountability and his resistance to unconstitutional by oppressive organs.

The commission has further called upon the inspector-general to ensure Omatatah’s safety.


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