Joho Defends Junet Mohamed Against Blame for Odinga's Defeat in 2022 Presidential Poll

Former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho has come forward to defend Suna East MP Junet Mohamed amidst growing speculation within the ODM party regarding the outcome of the 2022 presidential election. Joho urged party leaders to cease attributing Raila Odinga's defeat to Mohamed, emphasizing his pivotal role in the campaign.

Addressing the issue, Joho questioned the notion that one individual, in this case, Junet Mohamed, could single-handedly determine the fate of the election outcome.

"Tena kuna wengine wanasema Junet ndiye aliangusha Baba, Junet mmoja ana uwezo gani?" loosely translating to "There are others who say Junet is the one who failed Baba, what power does one Junet have?"

Joho staunchly defended Mohamed's commitment to the campaign, highlighting his unwavering dedication to Odinga's cause. He described Mohamed as an indispensable asset, noting his tireless efforts even beyond the campaign trail.

The former governor underscored Mohamed's relentless work ethic, recounting instances where Mohamed sacrificed sleep to ensure Odinga's campaign remained on course

Joho concluded by cautioning against ulterior motives behind the blame game, suggesting that detractors seek to sow discord within the ODM ranks. 


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