Former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu Appeals for Forgiveness and Mt Kenya Representation

During the Limuru III conference, former Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu made a heartfelt appeal to the people of Mt Kenya, seeking forgiveness for what he described as misleading them to vote for the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party.

Waititu clarified that he had left the UDA party and had not joined Azimio, emphasizing that he is currently without a political affiliation but stands with the people of Mt Kenya.

"I left the UDA party and I never joined Azimio. I'm partyless now but I'm where the people of Mt Kenya are," waititu said

Asserting that the Mt Kenya region should field its candidate in the upcoming election, Waititu stressed that this move would restore respect to the area and ensure that its interests are not represented by outsiders.

He also advocated for unity among Mt Kenya leaders and endorsed the proposal for "one man, one vote, one shilling," emphasizing the need to support candidates from the region, regardless of gender.

The Limuru III conference provided a platform for discussions on critical issues facing the Mt Kenya region, with leaders emphasizing the need for forgiveness, unity, and representation in upcoming elections.

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