EPRA orders Temporary Closure of Petrol stations in flood prone areas

Energy and ​Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has directed petrol stations owners in areas that have been affected by floods to temporarily stop their services to ensure the quality of the petroleum products is maintained.

In a statement on Wednesday, EPRA urged those in charge of retail stations to ensure to do a recheck of the quality of the products before resuming their stations operations.

"Any retail petrol station which has been flooded should temporarily remain closed and monitored. The retail stations should assess the extent of the flooding, clean up any debris and ensure the quality of its products before resuming operations, additionally, retail station owners should anticipate any potential environmental impact of the flooding and take appropriate measures to mitigate it,” statement read

The Authority has also assured its support in ensuring the safety of the public and quality of the petroleum products amid heavy rains being experienced in the country.

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