CS Moses Kuria announces biometric registration of all government employees

Public service cabinet secretary Moses Kuria has announced that all Kenyan public servants are to undergo biometric registration.

According to a statement on his social media account, Kuria said the exercise aims at getting rid of the many ghost civil servants, students and elderly citizens that the government spends on paying salaries.

“As a country that is very religious, we are not doing very well in chasing away ghosts. This country is full of ghosts. We are paying ghost civil servants, ghost teachers,” statement read.

CS Kuria confirmed that the ministry of public service embarks on registering all the government employees without exception.

 “As we accelerate our prayers to exorcise ghosts, the ministry of public service will embark on biometric registration of all the 900,000 of us who are paid by the taxpayers including counties.”

In the 2022/2023 financial year report, the public service commission confirmed that state house and the KCC are the leading government institutions with unaccounted payroll.

The exact dates on when the exercise will begin are yet to be confirmed.

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