COTU-Kenya Denies Inviting PSRA Director General Fazul Mahamed to the Labour Day Celebrations

COTU- Kenya has denied claims of having invited Fazul Mahamed, the director general of Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA) to today’s Labour Day event but he turned it down.

In a statement on X (twitter) COTU clarified the claims saying that it doesn’t have any business with the PSRA and their membership is only derived from Unions.

"COTU (K), has no business with a regulator because we do not get our membership from any regulator. The membership of COTU (K) is derived from Unions and not any regulator. COTU (K) has not, and cannot, invite PSRA considering we have no business with such an amorphous entity,” COTU stated

This response comes after the PSRA director general, Fazul released a statement on Tuesday a day before the celebration saying that he will be declining the invitation extended to them by COTU-Kenya to attend the Labour Day celebrations at Uhuru Gardens.

Fazul claimed that the invitation would put the PSRA in a compromising situation since COTU is currently under a forensic investigation over their deductions for the last 36 months.

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PSRA Director General Fazul Mohammed Declines COTU's Invitation for International Labour Day Celebrations